This weekend we braved hordes of family vacationers in giant RV's and trucks hauling fishing boats to re-visit Rumney in central New Hampshire. Our typically casual two hour drive turned into a three hour drive through stop-and-go traffic despite our early departure on Friday. It was not ideal, but we made it.
Our goal was to 1) relax and spend some time together (July was awful for this) and 2) test out Little Man's new backpack. I have attached a few picture from our hike on Mount Stinson to this post. For an extra highlight we also had a medium sized black bear wander through the yard one night while I was cooking dinner. AWESOME!
We learned that Carrig can sit in his pack for about three miles. Unfortunately, the trail was three and a half.
p.s. After writing this I realize that Kristin and I are, in fact, only one more child and a golden retriever away from being on of these highway clogging family vacationers. You all have permission to medicate us if we ever turn into "those" people.
Just accept it. Youll be driving some kind of hybrid minivan in no time.