Kristin and Thom are embarking on yet another adventure, raising their son Carrig. Read here to learn about what's happening, what's going to happen, and the various trials and tribulations raising their new friend.

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Major update hence forth - #1 - Climbing, camping, and freinds

Its hell to get old. Being a grown up sucks. Too many responsibilities. I have lots of excuses why I haven't updated the blog recently but all have been heard before and none are novel. So I will just get started, beginning with Carrig's first extended climbing and camping trip.

About three weeks ago we took Carrig to one of our favorite climbing destinations, The Red River Gorge in Kentucky. This was Carrig's first chance to also meet the ol' STL climbing crew and our first camping experiment with him.

As you might guess everything went extremely well. This little guy is a trooper! Thunder storms, blazing sun, long hikes, ticks on his head, pooping in the woods - this kid can handle it all.

As a parent I must admit that one the best aspects of this trip was watching all our old freinds interact with the little man. From Calvin's "pavoloving" Carrig to laugh at the word "beer" to Sophie handling teaching him french Love to watching Carrig attempt to nurse from Tall Tim (and the look on Tim's face). There are some pretty fricken awesome memories from this trip.

(The short legs aren't another kid. Those are Burke's)

(Are you Santa?)

This had to be one of the best trips I have been on since leaving St. Louis. I think that Kristin would agree. Despite some amazing friends here in Boston it is going to be tough to ever top this old crew (you can intpret "old" as you wish =)).

And finally, I just wanted to link to this video that our new friend Yoli put together. Its damn near amazing and I recommend watch the whole thing. (There is a smoking picture of Kristin about half way through)

Red River Gorge - "April Showers" from Yolanda Chen on Vimeo.


  1. CRAP! I can't figure out why those few pictures are cut off. And sorry, I don't want to re-write the whole post. Major edits to follow on another day.

  2. Oh yea, and thanks for the many photos from the trip Yoli, Yusuf, Sophie, and little John! They are awesome!
