Kristin and Thom are embarking on yet another adventure, raising their son Carrig. Read here to learn about what's happening, what's going to happen, and the various trials and tribulations raising their new friend.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Helping dad set at the gym.

I guess I need to get used to hanging sometime. (Thanks for the pictures Sarah!)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Poor kid. he does not have a chance...not to become a 5.13 climber...and show his dad!

  2. No locking biners and that anchor is no where near equalized. Destined to become a sport climber.

  3. I don't know Joe. Our friend Sara called this Carrig's first hanging belay. He just needs a little more practice and SRENE will be second nature to him.

  4. Mom wrote: "hi thom, he's such a cutie!! are those "worry furrows" on his forehead? or is he asking you " ARE WE AT THIS PLACE AGAIN?"

    In fact NO. These are the, "I'm am so psyched to be here with Mom and Dad furrows." Or the, "This place rocks. Let me out of this chair so I can play furrows"
