Kristin and Thom are embarking on yet another adventure, raising their son Carrig. Read here to learn about what's happening, what's going to happen, and the various trials and tribulations raising their new friend.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

The Joys of parenthood #3: Irony

How can it possibly happen this way? Is Carrig already plotting against his parents? It sure feels that way this morning.

Carrig has been the ideal baby for all 11 days of his life: eating well, sleeping well, being cute. He really doesn't have much more to do right now and he seems to have mastered all three quickly. Yesterday we were given permission to let him sleep through the night or to at least wake up on his own without the help of a 3:00am alarm. Kristin and I were obviously excited and the night was looking promising until about 11:30. Around this time Carrig decided that day 11 wasthe best time to strengthen his lungs and practice his screaming abilities...until about 7:00am this morning. Needless to say, I am running on about 2hrs of sleep for what was supposed to be my first full day back at the lab. (Does anyone want to come set up PCR's for me?)

Here's hoping tonight goes more smoothly.

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