Kristin and Thom are embarking on yet another adventure, raising their son Carrig. Read here to learn about what's happening, what's going to happen, and the various trials and tribulations raising their new friend.

Also see our photo albums at:

Friday, December 31, 2010


Carrig teaches cory how to play wii. So far carrig is winning.
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Monday, December 27, 2010

Winter is here

Carrig is ready to ski! Holiday photos to come.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Papa teaches carrig about trains

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Friday, November 19, 2010

We are so screwed.

I did not put him up there.

This was immediately followed by Carrig getting down off the rocker, moving the chair, emptying the drawer and then pulling the table across the room until it got stopped by the corner of the rug.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hard day at the climbing gym...

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pumpkin Day 2010

Spooky pumpkin carving

Day one of turtle shell preparation, making use of kitchen gear.

Do NOT put that on my face.

Perfecting the edges. The need to be perfect (because Carrig really cares)

Painting the shell. Take note of the computer in the background to assure proper scute patterns.

The colors aren't perfect, but close enough to reality to keep dad happy.

The final touches...

May we present you, Carrig the turtle.

Um guys, I can't really move with this thing on my back.

Guess the species? Eastern Painted Turtle.

MOOOOOM! Help! I think an eagle is coming.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The final steps to turtledom.

Note the open computer for species-specific accuracy. Who can guess the species?
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Carrig dances like his Dad!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Culturing the child.

Its sushi night! Everyone is getting in on the action.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I am eating like a king!

Sorry for the posting hiatus. Work and life has a nasty habit of getting in the way.
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Monday, August 23, 2010

Carrig has a new ride!

This weekend we braved hordes of family vacationers in giant RV's and trucks hauling fishing boats to re-visit Rumney in central New Hampshire. Our typically casual two hour drive turned into a three hour drive through stop-and-go traffic despite our early departure on Friday. It was not ideal, but we made it.

Our goal was to 1) relax and spend some time together (July was awful for this) and 2) test out Little Man's new backpack. I have attached a few picture from our hike on Mount Stinson to this post. For an extra highlight we also had a medium sized black bear wander through the yard one night while I was cooking dinner. AWESOME!

We learned that Carrig can sit in his pack for about three miles. Unfortunately, the trail was three and a half.

p.s. After writing this I realize that Kristin and I are, in fact, only one more child and a golden retriever away from being on of these highway clogging family vacationers. You all have permission to medicate us if we ever turn into "those" people.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Six Month Update

Carrig is now six months old!! In this time he has taught himself to smile, rollover, sit on his own, eat solid foods, beginning to crawl and pull himself up, and our newest battle teething. Here is a glimpse of the last few months!

Newest choking hazard, dog toy fuzz.

Carrig goes for it every time

Learning to read

He no longer fits in the baby bojon, and is too small for the backpack. Guess a trader joes bag will do for now!

Would anyone like a hug?

Pulling myself up

Always happy!! (at least when the sun is up)

Carrig loves Anna and she loves him

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Progress report

Carrig just completed his first five, consecutive, unassisted "high fives!" kristin cried.
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 4th in the VC!

Vernon Center, NY. Home of the Sanger grand parents, agriculture, a horse track and...the Amish. This is a change that I didn't see coming and I grew up in this town.

This was actually quite a big weekend for Carrig. Besides heading back to the elder Sanger homestead and being the Fourth of July, Carrig has finally met Aunt Lisa and Uncle Eric! Mother Nature's best efforts couldn't keep the two of them from meeting our little man. Woooo hoo!!! (Little did they know that they would not have a reprieve from the heat during their vacation from Houston.)

Carrig sure seems to have a way of bringing the best out of people! (or has he stolen their minds and put them all in a strange trance?)

When we arrived we were also excited to find that Grandpa and Grandma had gotten Carrig a swing. He absolutely loved it!

Well, to be honest not every swing brought out quite the same response. Whoa...

We spent the holiday with my mom's sister, Aunt Eileen, and my Uncle Tim. Their cabin on Lake Moraine is quite possibly the most cozy camp on Earth and it is always a pleasure to visit them there.

Being the fourth, everyone brought their full patriotic spirit.

Carrig! Don't eat the flag!

While at the lake we also introduced Carrig to his first freshwater "swimming" experience. It took a while for him to figure it out but he eventually broke out into a splashing frenzy.

We closed out our whirlwind (i.e. exhausting) weekend with a tour of the Utica Club Brewery. Now I have been on a lot of beer tours and I can easily call this one of the best. The combination of pre- and post-prohibition history married to my love of hard wood and good beer made this a very fun experience. As usual, Carrig loved it and, true to his form, behaved better on the beer tour than on the tour of the nation's capitol.

Getting back to Boston was a little bit of a challenge but we are back and all is well. We are now looking forward to a few SLOW weekends around home and with each other.

UPDATE: These photos and more on the Picassa page.