Kristin and Thom are embarking on yet another adventure, raising their son Carrig. Read here to learn about what's happening, what's going to happen, and the various trials and tribulations raising their new friend.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dad is home from texas

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Carrig meets Uncle Dan, Aunt Laura (for all practical purposes), and visits the capitol.

Lets start this like any good story:

T'was a sunny, hot, sticky, humid weekend in June when the Sangers descended upon Washington D.C. The goal, to introduce Carrig to Dan and Laura and to finally spend some time sight seeing in our nations capitol. While several IV bags won't make up for the fluids we lost this weekend, it is very safe to declare our trip a success.

We arrived early Friday morning and once we learned how to navigate the Metro with a stroller, made our way to the National Zoo. Carrig enjoyed seeing some fairy unique animals, such as the giant panda, but as usual, was most impressed by the bubbles in the anemone tank. When will we learn?

Then it was time to hit the pavement. Off to the White House and Smithsonian museums. Now don't be surprised. We spent a lot of time in the Natural History Museum. (even when Dan, Laura, and Kristin were off in the gem room I managed to disappear into the room labeled "Bones and Reptiles.)

Apparently the secret service has trained the squirrels around the White House and they weren't fond of us changing Carrig on their lawn. As soon as his pants came off the dastardly rodents descended from nearly every tree to surround us.

Saved by Uncle Dan.

On Saturday we took a tour of the capitol building. It was a lot of fun and as for many of these tours, the guide made it quite enjoyable. For the first time, I have to say that Carrig was "that kid." You know, the one that is crying at the back of the tour and touching everything regardless of how old. Yup, that was our son.

My personal highlight of the day, if not the entire sightseeing trip, was the Library of Congress. I would love to have access to their shelves for a while. The place looked amazing and I wasn't even allowed in.

It has become clear that Carrig has a thing for beer. This may be fallout from Calvin's "Pavloving" or inherent to his bloodline. Regardless, Daniel didn't help. Phrases rush to mind such as "bad influence," the "wrong crowd," and "grounded" when I see this photo.

When Carrig gets around beer he just goes nuts! Just check out this kiss!

Our weekend doesn't stop there! Sunday was a brutal 101 degrees but that didn't stop us from exploring more of the city. Here are a few pictures from the WWII Memorial.

There were approximately 4000 stars in the memorial, each representing 100 fallen soldiers. Wow...

Here are just a few more pictures from our last day around the city.

Our weekend ended with an amazing walk along the upper Potomac. These were some crazy rapids! I was getting worried that Carrig would want to become a boater if we showed him these for too long so we got him re-focused on one of the small boulders. Crisis averted.

The trip was a lot of fun, albeit exhausting. For once there are no long winded stories about our follies. It was great to see Dan and Laura again and it was really wonderful to watch them interact with Carrig. We can't wait until we get the chance to show them around Boston.


Holy moly! This kid seems to be changing every day. From turning that awkward smile into a glorified laugh to popping teeth out of his face, I can barely keep up with the changes. I have stated to expect words, crawling, and a dissertation any day now. I thought it would be fun to take a moment to put some of these changes in perspective.

First, one of his early favorites, the "bouncey" chair:
You might remember this photo from the first day Carrig was at home with us.

Carrig was so small that the vibrating function visibly jiggled his baby rolls. But then a few months later,

And now, the vibrating chair has become more of a low-riding recliner.

You might also remember the first day Carrig was introduced to the "bouncer." This still image was enough to depict his excitement.

But now, hell, the word "still" no longer even enters into discussions about the bouncer.

Carrig has even moved awat from these silly kids toys and on to full swing-dom.

I also want to point out that Carrig is nearly mobile (well ahead of our baby-proofing mind you). We were so excited when Carrig could roll over but now it has gotten to the point where we need to contain him to prevent him from rolling across the room or army crawling himself into the dog's food bowl.

Friday, June 18, 2010